Monday, November 28, 2011

Reality Television in the Digital Age : Self Publishing on

It’s no secret in this day and age that the digital landscape has taken over pretty much every area of life. From online shopping to reading your favorite magazine, the Internet and now smart phones and/or other handheld technological devices, life has drastically changed. The way we consume media has especially changed. Brick and mortar buildings in some cases are becoming a thing of the past, especially regarding music and video stores. Another area of media that is also changing due to the digital revolution is reality television.

Reality television is one of the fastest growing genres of television and shows no sign of stopping. It seems every one and their brother has a great idea for reality television, the trick is how to get your show produced and distributed amongst all of the competition. If you or someone you know has tried to create a reality program you are probably aware that the odds are against you in succeeding. Chances are someone else has already taken your idea and it’s on a major network, or no one cares to listen to your awesome pitch. What now?

That’s where the digital age has changed the game for many aspiring reality show producers. I have recently learned about a website titled, that is host for dozens of original web series including reality programming. If you have an idea, a video camera, and a tripod, says COO Dina Kaplan you can host a web series on (click to see a video with more from Dina). It’s that easy. Instead of waiting for the big dogs (producers and networks) to come to you, why not get your show out there in cyber world on a new and growing in popularity medium.

Though blip seems to still be a little bit of a niche market and not quite as mainstream as Youtube, it’s growing and gaining a bit of a following. From Google Ad Sense, they report that every month receives over 3.2 millions users, of which, close to 30% are men between the ages of 24-34 with some college education and an average annual household income of $25,000-$49,999.

Another great aspect of is that you receive revenue every time your shows are viewed due to advertisement you can allow at a few different times during your show. offers a 50/50 compensation plan with it’s show creators(click here for more details). In order to get the most “bang for your buck” blip would recommend opting for pre-roll, overlay, post-roll and mid-roll ads. To learn more about how to earn revenue with blip click here for a video explanation from Steve Woolf, the West Coast Director of Content for

Good luck, self-producers! 

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