For this post, I decided to highlight Magical Elves Productions, a reality television production company that is doing quite well. Magical Elves Productions is a highly successful Los Angeles based reality television production company most well known for shows such as 2010 Emmy winning, “Top Chef”, “Top Chef: Just Desserts”, “Braxton Family Values” and “Americas Next Best Restaurant”, to name a few.
With a name like Magical Elves, there’s bound to be something interesting, and dare I say, magical, about their programming. In order to get a feel for the company, let’s take a brief look into the main masterminds behind it. Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz formed a working relationship back in 1999 when they both worked for VH1. Hitting Number 19 on “The Hollywood Reporter’s” Reality Power List, the pair has been a force to be reckoned with over the last decade.
In an interview with Variety, this last August, Jane and Dan share that one of the secrets to their success is keeping a sense of humor. From the Variety interview:
"What has characterized our relationship from day one is that in times of great crisis, we usually find a way to make it funny," says Cutforth. "We literally end up laughing about it and then we figure it out. First we freak out, then we laugh about the fact that we freaked out. Then we fix it."
This duo has proved that thinking fast while under pressure is one major key to success in their industry. Another big key to their success is taking on projects that are new and challenging, and maybe outside of their norm. A great example of this is the undertaking of producing the undeniably successful documentary, “Never Say Never” featuring the success of teen sensation, Justin Bieber. They have proven that stepping outside of the box can prove incredibly beneficial. According to the website “The Numbers”, “Never Say Never” has grossed over 121 million dollars worldwide in theater and DVD sales. With their track record, Magical Elves shows no signs of letting up in their success. This truly is a company to keep an eye on.
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